Birth Anniversary of Nightingale of India: Sarojini Naidu

The nation celebrates the birth anniversary of Sarojini Naidu every year on February 13. This year marks the 145th birth anniversary of Sarojini Naidu. She was born in Hyderabad on 13 February 1879 into a Bengali family and was considered one of the most popular women of the 20th century.
She was a poet and political activist. Her efforts towards women empowerment and her role in the fight for independence and her poetry earned her the title of ‘Nightingale of India’. A disciple of Mahatma Gandhi, she was instrumental in the Indian National Movement.
In 1914, Sarojini Naidu had her first encounter with Mahatma Gandhi and committed herself to the nation. During her studies, she enlisted in the national movement. She had the respect and confidence of all the major leaders, including Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru, who were convinced of her leadership abilities.
Gopal Krishna Gokhale was among the many well-known Indian politicians who admired Sarojini Naidu’s poetry. She used her poetry to spread awareness and inspire people to fight for their rights.Her poems were filled with patriotism, feminism, and themes of social justice.
In 1925, she was elected as the President of Congress. When Sarojini Naidu’s collection of poems, Golden Threshold, was released in 1905, the world first recognized her for her literary abilities and gave her the recognition of “Bul Bule Hind.” In 1917, she co-founded the Women’s Indian Association, providing a platform for women to voice their concerns and demand their rights. In India, February 13 is recognized as the National Women’s Day in her honor.
Sarojini Naidu passed away from cardiac arrest on March 2, 1949, after experiencing deteriorating health upon her return from New Delhi in February.

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