World Nature Conservation Day 2024

The world observes World Nature Conservation Day on July28 every year. It emphasizes to protectthe biodiversity and natural resources for the present and future generations. It continuously serves as a reminder for everyone to take immediate action to conserve nature. World Nature Conservation Day was officially created during the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden.
The United Nations General Assembly recognised the urgent need for global environmental action when it formally designated July 28 as the day to promote awareness of the importance of protecting nature.The theme for 2024 is, “Connecting People and Plants, Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation.” This theme emphasizes the importance of fostering connections between humans and the natural world while leveraging digital technology to enhance wildlife conservation efforts. It aims to create awareness about sustainable practices and encourage individuals and communities to take action in promoting the conservation efforts for climate change and ensuring that natural resources are used wisely to safeguard the planet for future generations. Various programs, events, and seminars are organized to raise awareness and promote practices to protect our planet Earth.

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