World Wide Web Day 2024

World Web Day is observed on August 1 every year.This year, World Wide Web Day 2024 marks a particularly significant milestone: the 35th anniversary of the World Wide Web’s inception. It is celebrated to commemorate the World Wide Web and its impact on the world. It is dedicated to honour the transformative impact of the World Wide Web on our lives.This day honours the groundbreaking invention of Tim Berners-Lee, an English scientist who conceptualized and developed the WWW in 1989 while working at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN). Berners-Lee envisioned a universal information system and created essential components of the Web: HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), URL (Uniform Resource Locator), and HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). The introduction of Mosaic in 1993, the first graphical web browser, made the Web accessible to the masses. Since its beginning, the web has grown into a global network that links people and ideas like never before. The world’s first website,, went live on August 6, 1991. It was a simple page explaining the WWW project and provided instructions on how to use it.Celebrations on this day include educational events, discussions about internet safety, and acknowledgments of the web’s profound impact on society.

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